FIL DES STARSAmal Clooney ne veut plus de sa bague de fiançailles… Miley Cyrus fait du porno sur scène…

Amal Clooney ne veut plus de sa bague de fiançailles… Miley Cyrus fait du porno sur scène…

FIL DES STARSToute l'actualité des stars est sur « 20 Minutes »...
Anaëlle Grondin


Mardi 24 novembre 2015

Amal Clooney ne veut plus de sa bague de fiançailles bling bling

Difficile à croire, mais il se pourrait bien que la femme de George Clooney, brillante avocate spécialisée dans les droits humains, troque son gros caillou à 640.000 euros pour un bijou beaucoup plus discret. Selon le Daily Mail, le diamant de sept carats de sa bague de fiançailles met très mal à l’aise Amal Clooney, qui la trouve trop bling bling, surtout dans le cadre de son travail. Mais n’allez pas imaginer qu’elle veuille s’en débarrasser pour de bon, aux enchères ou lors d’un vide-greniers. Amal compte bien continuer à porter sa bague hors de prix pour les grandes occasions.

Sofia Vergara, elle, porte fièrement son alliance

Pendant ce temps, à peine mariée, la star de Modern Family nous montre son alliance sur Instagram. Enfin… c’est surtout son fils qui a publié un cliché de famille. Mais difficile de voir autre chose que le joli anneau en diamants brillant qu’on ne connaissait pas encore à son doigt.

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Try not to cry, try not to cry…#SunGlassesSavedMyLife #Jofía #CoupleOfTheCentury #SuchAShameTheyreNotBetterLooking #PapaJoeVol2 #TheWaffle

Try not to cry, try not to cry…#SunGlassesSavedMyLife #Jofía #CoupleOfTheCentury #SuchAShameTheyreNotBetterLooking #PapaJoeVol2 #TheWaffle

Une photo publiée par Manolo Gonzalez Vergara, Esq. (@manologonzalezvergara) le 23 Nov. 2015 à 10h57 PST

Demi Lovato, méprisante avec ses fans

Un fan de la chanteuse a poussé un coup de gueule sur Instagram après une rencontre en coulisses qui ne s’est pas passée exactement comme il l’avait imaginée.

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Dear @ddlovato, Thanks for taking the time to meet me and my friend Carissa in Seattle. Thanks for not looking us in the eye, asking our names, or saying two words to us. Thank your team for forcing the 15 year old girl, who traveled alone to meet you, to squeeze on the side of another group’s picture. And thanks for keeping your jacket on for photos while your team collected the wet jackets of fans who waited in the rain to meet you. Sorry I am being passive aggressive. I’m angry. I’m angry because I assumed you were in a big hurry - that’s the only reason you would pay no attention to all of your fans, even though we all spent a lot of time waiting to meet you. I even flew across the country. You had to be in a hurry, scrunching 200 fans into 15 minutes. There’s no way, I figured. But as I walked out of the room, I saw you slam your head back against the wall in relief - we were your last picture. Meeting your fans was over. You didn’t run out - you stood there. This isn’t my first meet and greet. I’ve waited in the rain and snow many times for rushed moments and quick pictures. Kelly Clarkson’s was rushed, same style as yours - run us through a line for photos - but she asked for our names and even asked to wear my “Work Bitch” (Britney !) hat in the photo. It took 5 seconds, I was happy. Britney Spears did group photos, same as you. She even surprised us with that fact, same as you. But when my group went in to meet her, it wasn’t a photo. It was a meeting. She spent 10 minutes with our group, she heard all our stories, told us her own, and gave us M & Ms. And I’m not even going to bring up Taylor Swift because that’s going to take us into unrealistic territory, People have bad days, but you didn’t seem to be having one. It’s not fair for me to say. You could’ve been tired. I know I was. As I watched you perform about two hours later at the radio station’s concert, I felt angry at myself. You were in a great mood - greeting the crowd, covering Adele’s new song, and thanking radio for playing your songs. I just wanted you to thank your fans. Disappointed, Josh #demilovato #demi #kissfmfallball #taylorswift #britneyspears #meetandgreet

Dear @ddlovato, Thanks for taking the time to meet me and my friend Carissa in Seattle. Thanks for not looking us in the eye, asking our names, or saying two words to us. Thank your team for forcing the 15 year old girl, who traveled alone to meet you, to squeeze on the side of another group’s picture. And thanks for keeping your jacket on for photos while your team collected the wet jackets of fans who waited in the rain to meet you. Sorry I am being passive aggressive. I’m angry. I’m angry because I assumed you were in a big hurry - that’s the only reason you would pay no attention to all of your fans, even though we all spent a lot of time waiting to meet you. I even flew across the country. You had to be in a hurry, scrunching 200 fans into 15 minutes. There’s no way, I figured. But as I walked out of the room, I saw you slam your head back against the wall in relief - we were your last picture. Meeting your fans was over. You didn’t run out - you stood there. This isn’t my first meet and greet. I’ve waited in the rain and snow many times for rushed moments and quick pictures. Kelly Clarkson’s was rushed, same style as yours - run us through a line for photos - but she asked for our names and even asked to wear my “Work Bitch” (Britney !) hat in the photo. It took 5 seconds, I was happy. Britney Spears did group photos, same as you. She even surprised us with that fact, same as you. But when my group went in to meet her, it wasn’t a photo. It was a meeting. She spent 10 minutes with our group, she heard all our stories, told us her own, and gave us M & Ms. And I’m not even going to bring up Taylor Swift because that’s going to take us into unrealistic territory, People have bad days, but you didn’t seem to be having one. It’s not fair for me to say. You could’ve been tired. I know I was. As I watched you perform about two hours later at the radio station’s concert, I felt angry at myself. You were in a great mood - greeting the crowd, covering Adele’s new song, and thanking radio for playing your songs. I just wanted you to thank your fans. Disappointed, Josh #demilovato #demi #kissfmfallball #taylorswift #britneyspears #meetandgreet

Une photo publiée par Josh Helfgott (@joshhelfgott) le 19 Nov. 2015 à 20h04 PST

« Chère Demi Lovato, merci d’avoir pris le temps de rencontrer mon amie et moi à Seattle. Merci de ne pas nous avoir regardés dans les yeux, de ne pas avoir demandé nos noms et de ne pas avoir dit deux mots », écrit le jeune homme, qui avait remporté un concours pour rencontrer la chanteuse… 15 minutes avec 200 autres personnes. « Je suppose que tu étais très pressée, ce qui expliquerait pourquoi tu n’as pas prêté attention à tes fans alors que nous avons beaucoup attendu pour te rencontrer et que certains ont même traversé tout le pays pour te voir, poursuit-il. Quand je suis sorti de la pièce, j’ai vu que tu te cognais la tête contre le mur en signe de soulagement. Nous étions les derniers à faire une photo, la rencontre avec tes fans était finie. » Oui, enfin, « rencontre », à ce stade là…

Miley Cyrus fait du porno sur scène

Plus provoc’que jamais. Miley Cyrus, qui vient de fêter ses 23 ans, a estomaqué les spectateurs au lancement de sa nouvelle tournée en Amérique du Nord la semaine dernière… en portant un god ceinture et de faux seins en plastique sur scène. Une tenue que peu de médias se sont risqués à mettre en ligne outre-Atlantique en relayant l’information mais que vous pouvez voir par ici. Difficile d’imaginer la prochaine étape pour la chanteuse.