FORMULE 1F1: Accident de voiture pour Lewis Hamilton

F1: Accident de voiture pour Lewis Hamilton

FORMULE 1Le pilote britannique l'a annoncé lui-même...
Antoine Maes


C’est un peu le comble pour un pilote de Formule 1. Mercredi soir, le pilote britannique Lewis Hamilton, déjà champion du monde avant la fin de la saison, a annoncé sur son compte Instagram avoir été victime d’un léger accident de voiture à Monaco, où il réside. Un accident qui explique son décollage avec un jour de retard sur son programme pour le Brésil, où il s’alignera dimanche. « Personne n’a été blessé, et c’est le plus important », explique le pilote Mercedes.

« On doit tous être responsable de nos actes »

Selon lui, il aurait percuté lundi soir un véhicule en stationnement. « Même, si en fin de compte ça ne regarde personne, il y a des gens qui connaissent ma situation et qui vont essayer d’en tirer profit pour faire de l’argent. Pas de problème. (…) Je vous informe parce que je pense qu’on doit tous être responsable de nos actes. Les erreurs arrivent, mais l’important c’est ce qu’on en apprend et comment on grandit », conclut Lewis Hamilton.

«  »

Dear TeamLH, just wanted to let you know why things have been quiet on social media the past few days. I’ve not been well with a fever but I also had a road accident in Monaco on Monday night. Whilst ultimately, it is nobody’s business, there are people knowing my position that will try to take advantage of the situation and make a quick buck. NO problem. Nobody was hurt, which is the most important thing. But the car was obviously damaged and I made very light contact with a stationary vehicle. Talking with the team and my doctor, we decided together that it was best for me to rest at home and leave a day later. But i am feeling better and am currently boarding the plane to Brazil. However, I am informing you because I feel we all must take responsibility for our actions. Mistakes happen to us all but what’s important is that we learn from them and grow. Can’t wait for the weekend Brazil Bless Lewis

Dear TeamLH, just wanted to let you know why things have been quiet on social media the past few days. I’ve not been well with a fever but I also had a road accident in Monaco on Monday night. Whilst ultimately, it is nobody’s business, there are people knowing my position that will try to take advantage of the situation and make a quick buck. NO problem. Nobody was hurt, which is the most important thing. But the car was obviously damaged and I made very light contact with a stationary vehicle. Talking with the team and my doctor, we decided together that it was best for me to rest at home and leave a day later. But i am feeling better and am currently boarding the plane to Brazil. However, I am informing you because I feel we all must take responsibility for our actions. Mistakes happen to us all but what’s important is that we learn from them and grow. Can’t wait for the weekend Brazil Bless Lewis

Une photo publiée par Lewis Hamilton (@lewishamilton) le 11 Nov. 2015 à 14h50 PST